KerrHill is a top-rated management training company located in California.

Time Management

Take Control of Your Time and Get More out of Your Professional and Personal Life

Strong time management skills provide the tools to accomplish business objectives more effectively and efficiently, so you can keep up, get ahead, and experience the freedom of a balanced work life.

Imagine what having more time would do; to be able to finish critical tasks, spend more time with team members, plan ahead on future projects, or even leave work early to enjoy some personal time.

Would investing in a time management course be worth leveraging a 10-30% efficiency gain in your week? KerrHill’s 4-hour Time Management Program is designed to do just that.

98% of professionals struggle with time management, yet few have ever invested in learning an effective time management system.

KerrHill’s Time Management Course teaches you how to overcome common time-management challenges

A woman sitting at a desk has good time management by writing on a calendar while using a laptop.

  1. Understanding how personal behaviors impact time management *
  2. Managing “over-committing” to others
  3. Prioritizing, organizing and assessing tasks more effectively
  4. Understanding Reactive vs. Proactive time management methods
  5. Staying focused on the “Critical Few” vs. the trivial
  6. Delegating with clarity and confidence
  7. Estimating “realistic” time on tasks
  8. Understanding the value of what your time is worth
  9. Identifying which personal barriers hold you back from change
  10. Being realistic with committing to change and sticking to program goals

* Note: Participants will also leave the course with a personalized DISC Time P.L.U.S Report to help them understand their personal time wasters.

See what our clients are saying

The benefits of Improved time management skills


Deliver work on time & meet deadlines


Work in a more efficient & productive manner


Get greater traction to stay ahead of schedule


Have more time to live a balanced life


Better assess, organize & rank tasks


Get a greater sense of control


Reduce stress from tasks and project to dos


Open the door for more opportunities

Time Management Workshop Overview

  • Designed for: Professionals seeking to improve their time management skills
  • Format: Available in-person or virtually
  • Length: 4-hour workshop
  • Location: Onsite at client location or at an offsite meeting facility
  • Cost: $695 per person
  • Group size: 6-20 people
  • Workshop includes: All course materials and a personalized DISC Time P.L.U.S. Report
    to help participants understand their personal time wasters.
  • Click here to view the program PDF

Are you ready to take control of your time, productivity and performance?

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